New harvest arriving!
The 2019/2020 campaign has just arrived in London from the region of Aragon and Catalonia
Both farmers have been working hard to harvest and elaborate the best possible extra virgin olive oils from unique varieties of olives which are indigenous to their areas Argudell and Empeltre
You cannot find them so easily available in London as they are from local producers who promote quality instead of quantity so you’ll find them available through my online store and in the markets
These varieties result in fresh, well balanced oils with that bitterness necessary in a good extra virgin olive oil and reminiscences of fruits such as tomato, banana and walnuts
Argudell comes from Girona area, located in a natural environment surrounded by maple trees and the winds from Emporda, Mas Auro has been harvesting and elaborating oil since a few years. They have been recently awarded by New York olive oil competition & Paris for their harvest in 2018/2019, hopefully, they will obtain more awards this year with the new harvest arriving in London in a few days
Empeltre is indigenous from Bajo Aragon area and it is frequently blended with other varieties as it results in astringent oils and the consumer prefers it blended so that it’s softer on the throat
Mis Raices is located in one of the most ancient areas where olive trees have been growing since Roman times and their love to the terroir and their knowledge has taken their produce as far as the USA.
Their oil has reminiscences to walnuts and almonds and consumers say it’s a favourite among the oils I offer as it pairs very well with pastas and soft foods such as humus and creams.
Evoo is the golden liquid of the Mediterranean diet, without it our dishes would be uncomplete, any Spanish or Mediterranean society has been brought up cooking with oils and including it in their sandwiches and meals to bring more flavour and enhance the taste of the vegetables and sauces.
I’m excited we are receiving the oils in a few days, buy online these extra virgin olive oils and be the first to enjoy its taste!