Just had the pleasure today to participate in a teleconference with Dr Simon Poole author of several books about the Mediterranean diet.
The latest one is "The Real Mediterranean diet : A practical guide to understanding and achieving the healthiest diet in the world".
His message to encourage more people to consume extra virgin olive oil was based on 3 points:
- Health
- Taste
- Enjoy the beauty of olive oil world:heritage, landscape, traditions,civilisation
He mentioned the numereous benefits to our bodies to prevent illnesses such as diabetes, heart attacks, cholesterol,strokes and even dementia when cooking and drizzling with EVOO.
The tasting profiles of each variety is so wide! A Picual has a strong bitterness and an arbequina is mild on your mouth , empeltre is astringent and fancied by many experts, all very tasty and flavour enhancers on top of vegetables,soups,bread and when frying with them.
The culture behind the cultivation of the olive tree comes from more than 2 mileniums and there's so much to enjoy and so much we keep learning now with the early harvest time and its culinary and cosmetics applications.
Recipe by Daniel Garcia from the book:
Mango gazpacho with lime and ginger:
- 500g mango puree
- 350ml extra vigin olive oil
- 1 litre water
- 75g ginger
- 50g green pepper
- 80g bread
- 3 limes
- 5g salt
Add to blender the bread, extra virgin olive oil, limes, salt and 100g of mango puree
Allow the bread to hydrate and grind to create a smooth paste
Add ginger, pepper and the rest of the puree and pouring water,season and adjust the temperature. Strain and serve cold.
Best wishes